Accelerating the shift towards sustainable mobility by developing a comprehensive, technology-driven change model through collaborative innovation and shared-data analytics


The EU with the European Green Deal has set ambitious goals to combat the climate change, such as reducing emissions in the transportation sector by at least 55% by 2030 and 90% by 2050.

In order to accomplish this goals the EU has set strong regulations as the deployment of LEZ in more than 850 EU cities and sustainable commuting to work plans, as well as, high levels of investments where 30% of the EU’s budget and NextGenerationEU (NGEU) instrument has been allocated for green projects.

Despite these efforts, change is being very slow, and some of the main reasons for this is the lack of knowledge, lack of collaboration and the difficult access to comprehensive and quality data as well as analytics capabilities that helps to properly understand and efficiently deploy and operate in this new market of multimodal and sustainable mobility.

In addition this is a real business opportunity as the International Data Space Association (IDSA) estimates that 80% of industrial data goes unused or undervalued due to this lack of data accessibility and analytical capabilities. IDSA also projects that leveraging, sharing, and exploiting this data for market development—reaching more customers, reducing operational costs, sales, and enabling the creation of new business models—translates into a data-driven economic value of €829 billion.

MOVEN has the mission of accelerating the shift towards sustainable mobility through collaborative innovation, unlocking the potential of shared-data by developing a comprehensive, technology-driven change model.

MOVEN provides access to comprehensive mobility data and deep-tech tools to local mobility ecosystems —cities, public and private operators, startups, …—to accelerate the adoption of sustainable mobility solutions generating high impact in solving the climate crisis.

MOVEN offers access to a comprehensive mobility data analysis platform that helps them understand the sustainable mobility solutions that best suit their needs, growing revenues and reducing costs. The mobility data sets comes from shared data from multiple and complementary sources which makes them the most comprehensive on the market. This allows us to develop high-precision AI algorithms in very diverse use cases around multimodal mobility, MaaS, active mobility, urban logistics, electric mobility, etc.


Our data acquisition technology (Data Spaces) allows us to create an environment of trust for Data Providers based on data sovereignty, transparent and secure governance as well as a value sharing model where everyone wins. This is based on:

Sovereignty and security. We ensure that data exchange takes place in a trust and decentralized environment, respecting the sovereignty and restrictions of the data provider. Data is not ceded but only consulted when needed.

Interoperability. We ensure that data published by any provider can be consumed by any consumer.

Governance. We provide rules to govern operations between the participants of the data space.

Revenue sharing models. We provide rules to develop different revenues sharing models.

In this way we obtain a large amount of data and analysis capacity that we can offer to our clients:

Real time data collection.

Data Standarisation.

Data Processing and Modelling (AI).

Data Analitycs.

Business Intelligence and visualisation.


How can I better plan bicycle lane and park infrastructures?

How can I better control MaaS (micromobility, carsharing, etc.) fleets and tailor regulations more adapted to the city’s reality?

How can I accurately determine the position, number and type of charging stations I want to install on the streets or in parking lots?

Which complementary MaaS to add value to our customers.

How could I improve the cost of my operations?

How could I share space with other suppliers to reduce costs?

How could I share the operations of a logistics microhubs as a secondary consolidation point?

How could I make streets and highways safer?

How could I integrate urban and interurban mobility demand to gain more clients?

How could I share space with other suppliers to reduce costs?

How could I share the operations of a logistics microhubs as a secondary consolidation point?


MOVEN has developed its own innovation and public-private collaboration ecosystems that allow us to have continuous access to the innovation of new use cases as well as direct access to public administration and companies.

El Futuro de la Movilidad

MOVEN has developed a collaboration and innovation private and public Alliance with the aim of accelerating the shift towards more sustainable and people-centric mobility. We articulate digital training, online and face2face collaborative workshops with cities and companies.

Connected Mobility HUB

MOVEN develops its sustainable mobility innovation use cases based on real models successfully developed by many startups to which we have direct access as founders of this HUB. We articulate acceleration and investment activities.


MOVEN is part of the largest European mobility innovation consortium where we launch projects together with other industrial partners and cities to articulate sustainable mobility solutions in cities.


MOVEN is founding partner in consortium with Madrid Community and others partners of the EDIH whose mission is to deploy digitization solutions towards Administration and Companies around sustainable mobility. MOVEN’s task is to provide data analysis as well as the execution of innovation projects for the implementation of new digital mobility solutions.


Sergio Diez

Sergio Diez


Luis Morales

Luis Morales

Business Development Cities & Administration / Head of Public-Private Ecosystem

Daniella Rodriguez

Daniella Rodriguez

PhD Expert Leader Mobility & Data

Nelson Luna

Nelson Luna

Head Data Engineer

Inma Caballero

Inma Caballero

Business Development Companies

Angeles Porzio

Angeles Porzio

Head of Innovation Ecosystem & Communications

Andrea Ruggiero

Andrea Ruggiero

Acceleration Projects Manager

Marta Ramirez

Marta Ramirez

Head of Digital Content

Javier Viñuales

Javier Viñuales

Data Technology Advisor

Contact us

  • Madrid, Spain.
  • Sevilla, Spain.


Accelerating the shift towards sustainable mobility by developing a comprehensive, technology-driven change model through collaborative innovation and shared-data analytics.

El proyecto “Ciencia de datos y modelos matemáticos para la optimización de la movilidad urbana multimodal” ha sido subvencionado por el CDTI.

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